Big is NOT beautiful!
Under Drs orders I have now embarked on another diet! I seriously need to lose about 7 stone. But I have set my target at 5 stone for now. (For those of you across the pond a stone equals 14 pounds). Yes, and before you say it - I know - I'm grossly overweight and I need to cop myself on! Well I think I have this time. I don't want to be a middle aged fat woman whilst I'm in my thirties! I'm still young and I still want to feel young and look young.
I am increasingly annoyed by the "big is beautiful" campaign. I am big, and even though I know that beauty comes from within and that people shouldn't judge by appearances, its not about OTHER people! Its about how I feel about myself! When I'm overweight, I don't feel beautiful, I don't move beautifully and I sure as hell don't look attractive in the clothes I wear. Now I know that there are those of you out there who will immediately try and shoot me down for being so negative. But perhaps we all need to be honest and say that being FAT is NEGATIVE! The majority of people do not have a medical reason for being overweight and the only reason they are overweight is because they overeat. I hold my hands up and say - this is me! And every other fat person out there should stop making excuses and admit to this as well.
It doesn't matter how many people try and bully us into believing that its okay to be fat, at the end of the day, its not okay. You increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, hardening of the arteries, cancer and numerous other diseases. This isn't scare tactics by the diet industry, this is medical fact! We all know that smoking is bad for us - even those who don't want to give up know its not doing them any good. Well being overweight is exactly the same. It is BAD for us! It will make us ILL. Just because you don't want to be bothered to lose weight and you don't care that you might get ill doesn't make the risks any less. Its not a choice that your body makes, it doesn't say - well my owner thinks its okay to be fat so I don't need to get any fat related illnesses! Please - wake up and smell the coffee!
I've suddenly realised that no-one will help me and no-one will do this for me. I need to do this for MYSELF! I have to WANT to do this. I gave up smoking a year ago when I realised the same thing. And now I am applying the same philosophy to losing weight.
I have already lost one stone (14 pounds) and am fitting into a smaller pair of jeans. I am still very overweight but I feel so much better in myself for a couple of reasons:
I am increasingly annoyed by the "big is beautiful" campaign. I am big, and even though I know that beauty comes from within and that people shouldn't judge by appearances, its not about OTHER people! Its about how I feel about myself! When I'm overweight, I don't feel beautiful, I don't move beautifully and I sure as hell don't look attractive in the clothes I wear. Now I know that there are those of you out there who will immediately try and shoot me down for being so negative. But perhaps we all need to be honest and say that being FAT is NEGATIVE! The majority of people do not have a medical reason for being overweight and the only reason they are overweight is because they overeat. I hold my hands up and say - this is me! And every other fat person out there should stop making excuses and admit to this as well.
It doesn't matter how many people try and bully us into believing that its okay to be fat, at the end of the day, its not okay. You increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, hardening of the arteries, cancer and numerous other diseases. This isn't scare tactics by the diet industry, this is medical fact! We all know that smoking is bad for us - even those who don't want to give up know its not doing them any good. Well being overweight is exactly the same. It is BAD for us! It will make us ILL. Just because you don't want to be bothered to lose weight and you don't care that you might get ill doesn't make the risks any less. Its not a choice that your body makes, it doesn't say - well my owner thinks its okay to be fat so I don't need to get any fat related illnesses! Please - wake up and smell the coffee!
I've suddenly realised that no-one will help me and no-one will do this for me. I need to do this for MYSELF! I have to WANT to do this. I gave up smoking a year ago when I realised the same thing. And now I am applying the same philosophy to losing weight.
I have already lost one stone (14 pounds) and am fitting into a smaller pair of jeans. I am still very overweight but I feel so much better in myself for a couple of reasons:
- I am eating less and this in itself is preventing me feeling bloated and tired
- I am already able to move more freely because of having lost a small amount
- Psychologically I feel fantastic, because I am finally in control of the way I look
I don't have unrealistic goals. I don't expect to be wearing a bikini in the next few weeks. I just want to take control of my life and become a young woman again, not a young woman in an old woman's body!
An update for you: I have now lost 4 stone and I'm looking great! I'm ahead of target!
At 2:55 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
At last - someone who tells it like it is! I am sick of well meaning friends telling me that it doesn't matter what size I am. When what I want is encouragement to lose the weight not to stay the weight I am. Thankyou!
At 8:59 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Loved your post Louise. How did you do it? I so want to lose the same (about 5 stone) and I know its totally down to me, but I cant seem to get into gear.. Any advice?
At 9:29 p.m.,
Minxy Luna said…
Hi Patricia
I've now lost a total of 6 stone. My BMI when I started was 40 its now 27.5. I'm just a really stubborn person. I gave up smoking nearly two years ago, I just decided one day that was it. I think the diet was a combination of a realisation of how big I'd become and a determination to get down to my old svelt self!
Its definitely a case of mind over matter. But also making sure you stick to a diet is crucial. A big part of this is picking a diet which suits YOU as an individual. Don't go for fad diets. The Atkins diet may suit a lot of people, but it was useless for me because I love carbs! I have to have bread each day!
So I decided to go the low fat/low sugar route. I limited my calorie intake in a general way. I could eat anything upto about 1500 calories each day (this has reduced slightly now to 1300 as I am lighter). I had no fatty spreads, cheese, creamy products of any sort. Except on the odd occasion I would have a cup of tea, I would have full fat milk because I can't stand skimmed milk. But this wasn't very often as I prefer fizzy drinks. I only usually drink calorie free drinks like diet 7 Up or Diet Coke.
I also ate SIX times a day. I didn't allow my blood sugar level to drop and give me that low that would have me craving food. I had a breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner & evening snack.
It may not work for everyone, and if your head isn't in the right place, you're not going to stick to any diet. You just have to go for it and be prepared to stick to it. Its pure willpower and its not easy, but the few things I did above are what have made it bearable for me. Also, as I lost weight I was encouraged to stick to my diet.
I'm now a size 14 and am looking forward to getting down another size when I reach my target weight.
Thanks for posting on my blog and let me know how you get on!
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