Louise's Bog Blog

A Blog from the West of Ireland. Great links to other sites - phobias, music, food, film! Get involved! Vent your spleen!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

General rant...

Ok, I know I've not been very regular at updating my blog. Many reasons. Perhaps I should come clean about a few things.

I'm a depressive. I have major periods of depression, suicidal sometimes. Then wow I feel good for long periods. I'm afraid I may be bi-polar. I'm afraid to go to my dr to find out too... LOL.

I've lost almost half my body weight. I'm now 150lbs (10st 10lbs) and I started off at 20 stone. But I'm afraid that it may be all down to having an eating disorder. - OK this is actually a major confession. I'm coming out of the closet. And anyone who knows me may be shocked... I vacilate between being COE (Compulsive Over-Eating) and EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). I have long periods of almost Anorexic tendancies. Sometimes, slightly bullimic - I have binged/purged - I know - not good any of these things.

I'm at a cross roads in my life. I actually feel more empowered than I ever have in my entire life. I feel very much in control of my weight, my psyche. However, I feel that I'm not on the right track. I'm very unhappy in my marriage (major confession time here)...shall I publish this or not - I think I should be true to my self and publish...

I'm very interested in Wicca. Either Seax-Wica or Dianic-Wicca - I'm still learning, studying and researching. Anyone that wants to contact me with any comments about these, do feel free. I'm leaning towards solitary eclectic Wicca - but that is only because I don't know anyone else who is Wiccan. I'm not sure what tradition suits me yet.

Ok - enough ranting - I will post this now and hope for the best in the coming days!


  • At 5:32 p.m., Blogger Minxy Luna said…

    I take your comments on board and found them very interesting. If you feel like elaborating, please contact me or post to my blog. When you say I need to ask myself the question - do you not think that perhaps I ask myself these questions every single day, every hour of the day. I'm someone who is just trying to get to know myself. Trying to understand what makes myself tick. Trying to find peace...


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